Scientific and Clinical Evidence:
Microfragmented Adipose Tissue (MAT)
Microfragmented Adipose Tissue is supported by 100+ peer-reviewed publications with up to 3 years follow up (95% are independent studies from well-respected institutions).
- Over 50,000 procedures have been performed in 8 years
- Longest published follow-up is 3 years
- 35 prospective studies with majority 1-2 years follow-up
- 28 basic science articles evaluating the quality and characteristics of Microfragmented Adipose Tissue (MAT)
- 95% independently conducted, investigator-initiated studies from distinguished institutions
- Evidence includes an independent multicenter, international prospective study for elderly patients suffering from orthopaedic issues
- 38 ongoing independent clinical studies at esteemed institutions
- 11 Randomized Controlled Trials
- 23 Prospective Studies
- 4 Retrospective Studies
- Military: Independent, multicenter randomized controlled trial for active military patients suffering from orthopaedic issues
Benefits of Microfragmented Adipose Tissue (MAT)
- Microfragmented Adipose Tissue (MAT) remains structurally intact with preserved cell and tissue microarchitecture
- Maintains vascular stroma: mainly characterized by slit-like capillaries with evident lumen and vascular channels, compared to compressed and distorted microchannels in the conventionally treated adipose tissue
- Perivascular components: perivascular cells line capillaries and demonstrate increased concentration and enhanced viability compared to lipoaspirate
- Tissue elements: composed of adipocytes, endothelial cells, mesenchymal cells and pericytes, structured in 200-500µm spherical clusters